A New Promising Power On Track

September 6, 2016

‘It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now I have it, I am not going to be silent.’

Women folk had lost their voice due to some historical reason in the past. This made them completely inactive in the society. But the present scenario is quite different.

Women empowerment is the current topic for all speakers and even in competitions too. The world says that the space given to the women folk is the symbol of their upliftment. But,it is not the real change. The real symbol is the freedom given to them to decide their path, surrounding and life. This thought is now being popularised and many women are raising their voice for their needs and wishes.

Education is the key area being focused by all. A common saying about women education is “If you educate a man; you educate a man.If you educate a woman; you educate a generation.” This folk have that power. They are blessed with the skill to support a greater mass with complete patience and lead them towards success. Hence their knowledge can support their family and the society in many means.

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~ Ayn Rand.

With this spirit our WoMoz folk have marked their contribution in #mozillatnwoc16 organised in #mozillatn community.A powerful team of women contributors under different trainers symbolised their role in a remarkable manner in localisation.

The team constituted of 12 WoMoz and a total of 996 strings were localised by them.

This is a symbolic representation of incoming women strength to our community. Most notable part of this is that most of the woMoz have joined our community recently and they have been contributing only for a period less than 2 months. But their interest and dedication is evident through the work done by them.

The list of contributors and their suggestions in pontoon are:

S.no Name of the Contributor Suggestions made
1 Ashly Rose Mathew M 253
2 Fahima Zulfath. A 139
3 Pavithra R 117
4 Aishwarya B 113
5 Vaishnavi Devi R 81
6 Vinusha 75
7 krithika sowbarnika R 53
8 Bhuvana Meenakshi K 48
9 Vaishanavi O 37
10 Shanmuga priya 34
11 Shiny 25
12 Renuga 21

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” This circle is ever a part of humanity, though nonvocal - shortly before, now is in full swing to render their service for the society. Let this service never ends…


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