MozillaTN Contributor spotlight Feb 2017

March 3, 2017

MozillaTN is growing big day by day. And as per one of the goals of MozillaTN17 we are getting large number of evangelist. We should find sometime to see what our amazing contributors around Tamilnadu did in past month. Each month our community is collecting the event detail report in github under the repo MozillaTN-events.

In Feb we had amazing number of events around Tamilnadu.

Mozcafe around Tamilnadu

On Feb 5th we had MozCafe, an casual meetup by contributors to discuss about Mozilla Projects. A team at Madurai led by Sabari had a great session around 12 new contributors participated in that event and interacted, we had some of the interesting photos of this MozCafe at Madurai check in Google Photos. On the same day Mozillians around Salem organised a big introduction session with help of CoderDojo Salem led by Prem. It had more number of women contributors, and our WoMoz rocked the event.

TechSpeakers in action

Our community as of now have 4 amazing Mozilla Tech Speakers who are rocking in various areas. This time myself (Viswaprasath) and Karthick got an opportunity to present about WebExtensions and WebVR at Chennai Oldest Meetup ILGUC, with help of Shrinivasan. You can read about the ILUGC meetup in the blog posts 1 2

Firefox QA Test Days

From this month, we are expecting all the club members to actively participate in test days. Surentharan is one of the amazing contributor who is leading SNSCT Campus club and is actively mentoring many contributors to participate in Test Days. He organised Test day party in his college this month. Around 12 contributors joined and Test Firefox 52 we can find the report at their Campus Club Website. And constantly large number of QA events happening around Tamilnadu.

Git and Github workshop

Our MozillaTN contributors are interested to contribute to large number of open source projects. It is very essential to have awareness about version controlling system. To create awareness and have a good hands-on session a team of MozillaTN student contributors from SKCET conducted workshop on Git and Github, more information about this can be found at their website

CoderDojo CBE

Our MozillaTN space coordinator team led by Sriram from KGiSL organised an amazing session in partnering with CoderDojo CBE on various topics like WebDevelopment, general inspirational talks on Becoming a good Engineering and Contributing to Open source communities, detailed report about this can be found at KGiSL website

Chillout at SRMKzilla

SRMKzilla is one of the biggest Campus club in Tamilnadu with 80 student contributors. On 25th Feb they organised an small meetup session to share more about Mozilla Communities and WebVR, and planned for the upcoming meetup which is going to happen in their college. You can find report here

L10N Sprint at MEC

Adam went back to his college and had wonderful session about Localization. He shared about how he started contributing to Mozilla, how it helped him and then contributing to L10N projects. He was very excited to go back to his college and share his knowledge with his juniors.

Website development by Campus Clubs

Our Campus Clubs are actively participating in large number of activities, to share their report with global audience every club is creating Website for them. As of now 5 clubs have created their Website and in upcoming days we can expect more clubs to finish. List is shared below.

Contributor Spotlight

For the Month of Feb 2017 we had good contributor activities. At the same time we have got good upcoming mentors. We Mozilla Reps would like to appreciate their hardwork which stood out.

Surentharan of SNSCT & Sriram of KGiSL are the Contributors of the month. They have helped other club members to develop amazing website for their clubs, regularly conducting Firefox QA days and organising diverse event at their college.

Activate Campaign update

Last week, activate campaign shared two new activities.

Make sure you find time to check this and participate in these amazing activities.

Test Pilot Add-ons Release

Test Pilot team recently shared two new add-ons which are amazing to use. Install them and share your valuable reviews about these new Add-ons. Write review how Snooze tabs help you to manage your time effectively and share with #snoozestory. Check out Containers so you can organise your tabs effectively.

Note : For the march please comment all your event report at github issue. There are large number of ways to contribute to Mozilla Community. Follow your passion and start contributing.

Lets Rocks this world.
