MozillaTN Contributor spotlight March 2017
April 10, 2017
MozillaTN is growing big day by day. And as per one of the goals of MozillaTN17 we are getting large number of evangelist. We should find sometime to see what our amazing contributors around Tamilnadu did in past month. Each month our community is collecting the event detail report in github under the repo MozillaTN-events.
In March we had amazing number of events around Tamilnadu. Short gist about the list of events we had
- Women’s day event at 4 College
- Fossmeet talk by vignesh
- Rust events at Madurai.
- Tanjore Mozcafe
- KCG 24 hours hackthon
- Vit Chennai workshop on add-ons.
- WebCompat hackathon at SNSCT
- Community test days & bug triaging each week.
Mozcafe around Tamilnadu
Mozillians around Tanjore, Tamilnadu (India) organised MozCafe event at Tradent technologies,Tanjore. The main aim of this event was to share more about the various contribution areas of Mozilla. Our active contributor Barani along with our Social Media lead Makilan organised this amazing event. The detailed event report is shared by Barani in the post.
WoMoz in Action
March is special Month for us, all over the world we celebrate Women’s day on March 8th. To celebrate this special event our Women contributors around Tamilnadu celebrated events are 4 different college. A very detailed post is written by Ashley. Contributors from various college participated are as follows
- SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem
- KGISL College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Mailam Engineering College,Villupuram
TechSpeakers in action
Our amazing Rust contributor Vignesh has travelled a lot and introduced about RustLang. He is also sharing more materials to get started with Rust. Some of his amazing events.
- Building AI models using Rust - Talk at Fossmeet17
- Building AI models using Rust - Workshop at A3K Rajagiri College
- Introduction to Rust - Madurai
Firefox QA Test Days
We have got amazing contributors who are taking care of test days each and every week. Our contributors from various colleges are working hard to make sure Firefox is shipping with Good quality. In MozillaIN around 28 contributors participated in various Test days, bug triaging days. Most notable contributors from Tamilnadu are Surentharan and Fahima, who are showing great dedication and potential in Quality assurance community. Very Detailed blog post about QA is shared in our blog
Webcompat Hackathon at SNSCT
SNSCT is has one of the amazing set of contributors in MozillaTN. Surentharan and Nagarajan organised amazing WebCompat hackathon in their college with first year students. Around 50 students attended this hackathon. Amazing stats of this hackathon
- 100 WebSites verified
- 31 bugs Filed
Mozactivate hackathon at KCG
At KCG, MozillaTN community organised 24 hours hackathon. 3 different tracks have been focused, WebVR, WebExtensions and L10N. It is one of the amazing event where aroun 100 students participated in the hackathon. The detailed blog post about WebExtension is written by Viswaprasath in his blog and regarding WebVR, Karthikeyan wrote detailed report in his blog
WebExtension workshop at VIT, Chennai
VIT chennai is joining us after a very long time. This time Viswaprasath went there for introducing about WebExtension, around 25 students joined the event and learned about WebExtensions. Detailed report can be found in blog. These students give ideas about having continuous learning program, yes we are planning again for Weeks of contribution 2016.
Contributor Spotlight
For the Month of March 2017 we had good contributor activities. At the same time we have got good upcoming mentors. We Mozilla Reps would like to appreciate their hardwork which stood out.
Ashley is one of the amazing WoMoz from MozillaTN. She has a good leadership skill and help others a lot. Ashley is very bold and takes lot of campaigns actively. It is her effort and decision to connect all the Campus club for this Women’s day which impacted many contributors around Tamilnadu.
At this moment we are very excited to congratulate Prasanth from SKCET who is named as Friends of Add-ons, it is amazing to see him getting featured in AMO blog
Note : For the April 2017 please comment all your event report at github issue. There are large number of ways to contribute to Mozilla Community. Follow your passion and start contributing.
Lets Rocks this world.