Mozilla TamilNadu Community Quality Assurance contribution 2016

December 8, 2016

Hello Readers!!

Firefox 51.0b3 Beta Testday

2016 was a great year for Mozilla TN community. We did amazing works in various contribution areas. This post will be showcasing our QA contributions to Mozilla.

Short Metrics:

  • Number of Testdays attended: 8
  • Number of contributors participated from Mozilla TN: 20
  • Number of Bugs verified: 25
  • Number of Bugs Filed: 7

For the past 5 months , Our contributors have participated in all the testing days. Here is a complete list of testday results.

We whole heartedly thank the awesome participants for joining us in various testdays.

Whenever I post a message in our telegram group regarding the testdays,contributors actively respond to it.This active response is what drives me to host testdays.Their passion to contribute to Mozilla is high as sky. I am glad to contribute along with them.

QA contribution is not just limited to Firefox. We participated in e10s compatibility testing for Firefox Add-ons in the form of an online sprint. This sprint went for week and many personally told me that it was fun to test add-ons.

12 amazing contributors participated in the sprint verifying 70+ add-ons. The complete list of verified add-ons and participants can found in the -blog .

Later our awesome Womoz team called for another sprint. And they verified 30+ add-ons. The results can be in found in the -blog.

With these contributions, we say a goodbye to 2016 and we will make more contributions to Mozilla in the coming year as a community.

Have a look at our contributors testday experience :


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