Result of Women's Day Events 2017

March 28, 2017

Hello cheers!

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen” - Wayne Huizenga.

We initially had a dream to organise a big event for women in Tamilnadu, later we started working on that. As this is the ever first event for Women in Tamilnadu we decided to begin on The International Women’s Day (March 8) 2017, and so it happened.

” We joined our hands and thus we extended it.”
We women in Tamilnadu joined our hands for rendering help to more women. We decided to celebrate the International Women’s day 2017 in a different way. Colleges in Tamilnadu always conduct competition related to arts on this day else will move with the lectures about women empowerment. But we decided to push towards technology.

A call was made to all the campus clubs in Tamilnadu.

Four colleges came forward to organise the events. These events were lead by the womozTN members of each college. We followed a common agenda. The session was started with the presentation on “Women in Tech, What are we and what we can”. Following that, there was a introduction to Mozilla and its key focus areas as most of the participants were non-mozillians. We also had a small presentation about Mozilla Tamilnadu and WomozTN. The next session was hands-on which was based on the interest of the event organisers.

  • SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore: The event was lead by Kavya along with a team of 5 organisers. A total of 21 participants attended the event. The event focused on testing.

    "we girls celebrated the elegance of womenhood along with the sessional demonstrations of widely discussed topics of open source community to the score inspired many girls to accomplish the growing technology ...!!" - Pavithra (Member)
  • Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem: The event here was organised by Ashly Rose Mathew M and there was a team three more people supporting her. The hands-on session was on Rust programming. In a team of thirty participants, 23 were girls.

    "The day was too great, I learnt a lot about Mozilla and its focus areas, Web extensions have attracted me and I am going to start contributing in it"- Monishaa Devi
  • KGISL College of Technology, Coimbatore: The event was organised by Pavithra along with a team of 5 contributors. There were a team of 30 + participants. The hands on session was on QA testing.

  • Mailam Engineering College,Villupuram: The event was organised by Kavipriya. There were a sum of 20 + participants. They had a hands on testing.

On the whole, a sum of 100 + participants were there. Out of which 70 of them were girls. This is a remarkable achievement in the history of Mozilla Tamilnadu , in special WomozTN. With the quote “Of the women, for the Women and By the Women”, we all belive that we have sown the seed of change in the minds of all those girls, who attended the event on that day.

“I am personaly very proud that I was supported by such a great team of enthusiastic people who are linked minded. I would like to register my sincere thanks to each and every contributor in Mozilla Tamilnadu who has supported us to make this event happen”- Ashly Rose

Looking forward for more such events!!!


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