Firefox 51.0b3 Beta Test day invitation
November 19, 2016
Hello Everyone!
Monthly twice, the Quality Assurance team of Mozilla conducts “test day” in which people are invited to download and test the unstable Aurora and Nightly versions of Firefox Browser for Desktop for bugs. The test day involves executing the given testcases and recording the output.
For the past 4 months many contributors from India actively participated in the testdays, and here is the list of all the testday results.
- Firefox 48 beta 3
- Firefox 48 beta 6
- Firefox 49 aurora 2
- Firefox 49 beta 3
- Firefox 50 Aurora
- Firefox 50 beta 3
- Firefox 51 Aurora 2
In this path, coming Friday, November 25th,We are organizing Firefox 51 Beta 3 Testday. We’ll be focusing our testing on the WebGL2, FLAC support, Indicator for device permissions and Zoom Indicator features, bug verifications and bug triage. Check out the detailed instructions via this etherpad.
It will be a great learning and contributing experience for everyone. And hereby invite you to join us. Lets work together for a better Firefox!!!
Participants Kindly RSVP by commenting your name along with your twitter handle.
Any previous experience is required ?
No previous experience is required for Testing.
Bugzilla Account- to access bugs.