IOT meetup series coimbatore
March 6, 2016
A series of 6 community meetup in coimbatore area aiming to learn IOT domain related skills & produce a range of open source IOT protoytpes of different verticals. All these meetup will have great documentation and lectures recorded for later use by every IOT enthusiast. This meetup is a form of continous learning effort, where a handful of skilled contributors are nutured and motivated to give back to a connected device mozilla community.
The following topics will be covered during the 6 meetups,
- GIT, shell scripting, & DevOps basics
- Python programming
- Sensors & actuators
- Design and ideation
- Prototyping using Raspberry Pi board
- Documentation and publishing
Below are the location and timing details of the event,
Location : SNS college of technology
Timing : 10 AM - 4PM
Contribution Area: Connected Devices contribution
The registration is still on, so go ahead and register
If you are intrested in conducting an event in your region you can have a look at this kit design.