Dummies guide to Team building
August 1, 2016
A team is a bunch of misfits that join together to achieve a common goal. So find a bunch of misfits. Easy to find them if you don’t know how. Just yell out that you are forming a team and a bunch of awesome people will come.
There is a high possibility that they don’t know what they are getting into (like me, I always do that). So a good talk on whats gonna be done by that team with those shenanigans is important. Cause if they don’t know what they are there for, things might get sad and ugly when they figure it out after sometime.
Also talk with them in person and not online. You won’t know the person’s real mood when they accept your invite. They might have just said yes cause they don’t wanna offend you. A friend need not be a Genie going out as “Your wish is My command!”. That is crazy and they won’t last long in the group.
It doesn’t matter how much people are in a team but those people must be as much of an idiot as you, to be in that team. Bottom line, get few but good people.
Now you have a team, name it. Always name your team. Just tell your team mates the name and get on with it, if you go further into discussion things may get ugly.
This is how I formed my team of five. I didn’t talk with the team in person and after a while one guy went out as he was just there not to offend my invite.
As time passes on and everybody starts doing their work, you will feel that, they are doing it differently. Its normal. They (team members) aren’t clones of ourselves. They are human beings with different brains that think and do stuff differently. Realizing this saves a lot of time that might else go away in chats, fights and what not?
Always ask them (team members) a deadline for their work and how much work they are gonna do. Given this, most of the time they won’t complete their task fully in time. The coolest thing here is that, you don’t have to worry that they didn’t complete the amount that you were expecting. Since they set their goals they usually put their fullest to complete it. Some idiots might over do it and end up exhausted. Be vary of em’.
Pushing them is good upto a limit. When it crosses a certain threshold value it becomes dominating(kind of feels like when you have to pass gas but can’t, uncomfortable..) than pushing. It just loses its purpose and team mates will fall out. The interesting thing is that each person has their own threshold value that they can with hold. This is purely based on research and observation. And hence I make sure that my team mates are happy after I push them. I am still trying to get the hang of this one.
No matter what happens, never ever do the work of others. They will ask you to do it, since you formed the group(most of my friends were lazy enough to do that). Never do that. Its their responsibility and not yours. If they can’t do it, then they just can’t do it. Move on.
I formed my team Ultimatum with the Fantastic Four to participate in MozillaTN’s WOC event. This here isn’t a instruction guide but my own story. I wrote this to be a funny read for those who know what they are doing and a bit informative one for those who don’t. Hope you got something after reading this. Toodles dudes and dudesses.