Featured Add-ons e10s Compatibility sprint Results

October 17, 2016

Hello Mozillians!!

We have called out Mozillians in India to participate in the e10s compatibility testing sprint. This sprint was conducted as weeklong session. And it has turned out very well.

A big thanks for the participants of this sprint!

Here is the list of verified add-ons :

  *  Gmail™ Notifier +
  *  Google search link fix
  *  Ciuvo - Price check in your Browser
  *  FindBar Tweak
  *  OmniSidebar
  *  FireSSH
  *  Torrent Tornado
  *  Reader
  *  Slim Add-ons Manager
  *  Clear Console  
  *  weather-forecast-plus 
  *  font-finder 
  *  tab-memory-usage 
  *  smart-https 
  *  Tab Reloader (Page Reloader)
  *  YouTube™ Control Center
  *  MailtoWebmails
  *  Dictionary (Google™ Translate) Anywhere
  *  New Tab Tools 
  *  noverflow
  *  umatrix
  *  quickmark reader
  *  findbar-tweak
  *  proxy-switcher
  *  youtube-flash-HTML5
  *  pearltrees
  *  YouTube enhancer plus
  *  integrated inbox for gmail
  *  emoji keyboard
  *  History Submenus II
  *  tab-reloader/
  *  keyword-search
  *  smart-https
  *  copy-plain-text-2
  *  font-finder
  *  slim-add-ons-manager
  *  master-password
  *  google  translator
  *  google translator lite
  *  privacy settings
  *  CookieKeeper 
  *  video-downloader-prime
  *  tab-notifier
  *  the-fox-only-better
  *  forecastfox-fix-version
  *  searchwp
  *  copy-plain-text-2
  *  cam
  *  keefox
  *  fastest-notifier-for-gmail
  *  tab-memory-usage
  *  facebook-disconnect
  *  master-password
  *  private-tab
  *  user-agent-switcher-firefox
  *  Vimfx
  *  Classic Toolbar Buttons
  *  youtube no buffer
  *  Tab memory usage
  *  Reload Plus
  *  youtube Anywhere Player
  *  bloody vikings
  *  saved password editor
  *  xnotifier
  *  facebook-messenger 1
  *  gmail notifier restartless
  *  searchwp
  *  the fox only better
  *  s3menu wizard
  *	 qr code image generator

#MozActivate #MozActivateIN

Etherpad link : https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/MozActivateIN-e10s-Addon-compatibility

PS: individual contributions can be found in the comments section of this blog - https://mozillatn.github.io/blog/MozActivate-AMO-e10s-compatibility-sprint/

If you have made the testing and your name didn’t appear in blog, Kindly ping me http://telegram.me/prasanthp96 :)


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