
Mozilla’s mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.

What you are going to do?

Celebrate this software freedom day 2017 with Mozillians all around the world. Mozillians from MozillaTN community started this small website where you can easily become contributor to Mozilla community by the end of day. In this series we will be touching the basics of various contributions areas. Here we don’t need very high level coding knowledge to get started. Interested people can contribute in large number of ways. Some of the easy tasks are taken and made sure contributors can get started.

Areas Focused


Why Github

We wanted to help contributors to track the steps they have completed.

Why Twitter

Whenever you complete one step we wanted you to spread the word about this, so you can help others to get started. Mozilla community become so big due to sharing the experience in person, sharing experience in social media sites and so on.

Without Spending time lets get Started to Task 1.