MozoFest SRM 2016
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MozoFest SRM 2016
6th April, 2016
Mozofest SRM 2016 a was fresh and innovative tech fest which was organized by the SRMKZILLA club, SRM University, kattankulathur. It was a 4 day fest which was held between 6 th and 9th April 2016,The main Factor which differentiates this fest from other fests in the campus is that each and every event of the fest were conducted free of cost which portraits the main motto of the Mozilla Organization i.e. “To create a free and open safe web accessible to each and everyone in the world”. There were both technical and non technical events and followed by an interesting workshop conducted by the Chief Marketing Executive of Zomato, Chennai Division. The fest was officially declared open on the 6 th of April through a formal inauguration ceremony.
There were two Technical and three non Technical events, the Technical were Codezilla and World of Webcraft.
- Codezilla: Codezilla was an event which tested the participant’s coding skills along with team work and efficiency as efficiency is the key for any software to function well. It had three rounds and was a team event in the first round they were given a set of 3 questions, one of the questions were rearranging a jumbled code. For the other question the teams were given a code and a set of constraints for the program to work. They had to find the input for which the constraint did not match and the program didn’t work. For the last question the participating teams had to present a code for the given question in the most efficient way with minimal steps. The ones who were able to solve the given questions efficiently were qualified for the next round. For the second round the teams were given a question in the round named switch code. One participant had to write the code for duration of 10 minutes and after 10 minutes the other team member had to complete the code from where the first one has left. This went on for nearly an hour. The teams with the correct and compatible code qualified. For the final round, two questions were given. One member of the team was given the role of the algorithm builder while the other one was the programmer. The algorithm builder had to read the question and make the algorithm. The programmer had to use that algorithm to write the full working code and the roles were exchanged for the second question.
- World of Webcraft: It is a web page development event wherein participants needed to develop a webpage for Mozofest this event was a platform to show the web development skills of different teams. The teams were call on the 7 th of April and were given some Resources in form of pictures and Information on which they were expected to design a very attractive and Resourceful web page. There were many impressive and Creative web page designs which deserved appreciation. The other non technical events were Scavenger Hunt, War of Thoughts, and Mozoquiz.
- Scavenger Hunt: This was a special and exiting non technical pair event which consisted of various rounds this event was designed to bring out the deduction capabilities, swift thinking, reflexes and lateral thinking skills in the participants. A Selfie challenge was first round this event where in each team was given a picture. They had to search for the place depicted in the picture in and around the campus and click a Selfie. The teams who reached the starting place with their Selfie in the shortest time qualified for the round two. For the second round, the teams were given a location; they had to go to their assigned location where they would find a QR code. They had to scan that QR code using their mobile phones which leads them to a certain other location, where a Srmkzilla member standing next to them would give them a clue to find a person who is also a Srmkzilla member but in disguise who would be doing a certain fun task. Once they identify the person. They had to complete a task which the person instructed them to do, get their signature and report back to where they started. The teams who were quick and daring qualified for the final round. The Final round was a truly new and an innovative one, it was a real escape game wherein the teams had to find their way out of the dark room solving clues and riddles which came along their way. They were given an initial clue to find a stable light source. Using the clues they found on their way, they had to navigate their way out of the room. The team who could get out of that room in the minimal amount of time was declared the winners of this Wonderful event.
- War of Thoughts: It was a debating event as the name suggests, this is also a 3 round event which went on like a formal debate where participants were judged on the basis of the points they put forward, their attitude on stage, presentation, pitch and delivery, and on the response of the participant when the others were speaking. In round 1 the participants were given a topic and they had to go for or against the motion. Group Discussion was the Second rounds were the participants were given a topic and they had to pitch in and put up their views on the given topic forward. For the final round the participants were given a time frame of 2 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to talk out of which 1 minute should contain rhymes related to the topic and 2 minutes of content related to the topic.
- Mozoquiz: This went on to be an individual quizzing event where participants were participants assessed on their knowledge in various domains. The various topics included the Mozilla Organization sports, history, general knowledge, geography etc. This event was started as a simple pen and paper test as round 1. This round consisted of questions based on the Mozilla Corporation and the participants were judged based on their ability to answer these questions. In the second round, the participants had to answer questions based on a picture shown to them for only a few seconds, they had to identify people and logos which were played in a slideshow. A tie breaker rapid fire round was also conducted in this round. Various brain teasers and riddles were asked to warm up the participants in the. In the final round, the quizmaster checked the knowledge of the participants in various domains in a rapid fire round the one who answered most of the questions correctly in the least amount of time was declared the winner.
- Entrepreneurship Workshop: One of the important highlights of Mozo-Fest’16 was the Entrepreneurship workshop which was conducted by the chief marketing executive of Zomato for Chennai, Mr.Shivam Bajaj. He started by introducing himself, and then interacted with the students about what a startup is and how they function. Then he explained how Zomato made it to one of the biggest companies in the world, what initiatives were taken by the founders and how the company became famous. He mentioned the ways to tackle competition and management. He also shared the foreign expansion plans of Zomato and how they were going to implement them. Followed by a Q &A session for budding entrepreneurs and cleared all their doubts, appreciating their ideas and encouraging them to dream big.